Italiacamp partner for the third consecutive year of the Social Football Summit
For the third consecutive edition, Italiacamp is among the partners of the Social Football Summit, an event that will bring together the most important stakeholders of the international football industry on 21 and 22 November at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome.
At the heart of this year’s partnership will be a discussion open to companies, clubs, institutions and universities that will be held on 21 November from 10 a.m. on the topic of Dual Career
and Post Career and training opportunities for former athletes.
In the world of football, only 6.1 per cent of registered youth players of professional teams retained their professional footballer status and only 1.4 per cent reached the Serie A. 44.3% of the then young players today are registered for amateur teams and 45% even without a contract. For many of them, therefore, finding an alternative path is not only a choice but very often also a necessity that requires accompaniment and support.
The skills developed during a sports career can certainly represent a starting point for athletes, even outside the field, but it is necessary to provide athletes and former athletes with guidance on possible future paths and fields of application of their knowledge. Precisely in response to this need, several realities have arisen that will be confronted in the second part of the event.
part of the event. Italiacamp, for example, has supported the development of MTA – More Than Athletes and the podcast Fuori dal Podio, paths to bring out business opportunities, personal training and professional development, leveraging the language and success/failure stories of sport.
Invited to speak were representatives of institutions and the world of sport such as Michele Sciscioli Head Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service of the
Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Marco Scurria Senator of the Republic, Giancarlo Abete President of Lega Nazionale Amateurs, Giuliano Giannichedda Technical
Commissioner representative Serie D, Paolo Ghisoni CEO and Founder Giovane Italy. Representing the world of education and university, Francesco Di Ciommo Pro-rector for relations
with the Alumni of LUISS Guido Carli, Francesco Marco Mazzù Director Major in Sport Management Luiss Business School.