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November 2023

‘Piracy is a huge detriment for Italian football’. So says Luigi De Siervo, speaking at the panel ‘Illegal streams: consequences on football and fans’ on Day One of the Social Football Summit 2023. The talk, also attended by Antonio Amati of Almaviva and Benedetta Liberatore of Agcom, and moderated by Emiliano Mancuso, discussed the issues that link piracy and Italian football.

‘When we talk about a 300 million per year damage,’ explained Lega Serie A CEO De Siervo, ‘we underline how every year teams like Roma and Lazio have to give up one or two champions. We are at a decisive turning point, the law has identified a clear path. We are waiting for a happy day when we will be able to interrupt the broadcasting of the pirate event within thirty minutes. If we want football to become a protagonist again as it has been for the past year, we have to make sure that everything is back on track’.

Benedetta Liberatore, director of Agcom, also gave some clarification regarding the timing of the platform’s launch: ‘We need to be fully aligned so that we can get off to a good start, we are also in contact with the search engines to be effective. We also need some education on the subject: we have to make people understand how we are doing damage to the whole country’.

Antonio Amati, Amministratore delegato di Almaviva, ha infine dato contezza di quello che è stato attuato per combattere la pirateria: «Quello che abbiamo messo noi in essere è un intelligence che catturi e anticipi questi spostamenti nella rete da parte dei criminali. Monitorando questi siti si riesce a intervenire in modo anticipato».

Hi Kike, this is not your first experience at the SFS, you have already participated several times as a goal representative, but this one will certainly be more special as you will have the role of presenter of one of the stages. What does an event like the Social Football Summit leave you with? I am really looking forward for the Social Football Summit this year, and as you said, this year will be special for me leading one of the

Why have you chosen to position yourself in the sporting arena and specifically in football? eBay positions itself as a marketplace of passions: we embrace and share the interests of our community, offering our users everything they want to feed and enrich their experiences. We asked ourselves what was the most popular passion among Italians, the one capable of capturing their attention the most: research and observers tell us that in Italy today football is followed by 34 million people, 57%

Hi Paola, this is not your first experience at the Summit, but this will certainly be more special given that you will have the role of presenter of one of the stages. What does an event like the Summit leave you with? I'm very happy to be back at the Social Football Summit and especially to have an active role as a presenter. I appreciate its evolution in the topics discussed as well as being more and more international, with speakers

This important collaboration adds to the already rich portfolio of Mosaico Studio, which has curated events of national and international scope over the past year. We talk about it with Felice Castrignanò and Luigi Bartone, CEO of Mosaico Studio. To begin with, tell us what Mosaico Studio is, what it does, and what distinguishes the company. Luigi Bartone: “Our story began like all good stories, with a chance encounter between different professionals, but all united by a passion for communication and architecture. From

In view of the Social Football Summit, we met Stefano Russo, associate sales director of YouGov, one of the world’s leading companies in data analysis and market research. Here’s what he told us about his experience.   In your network you have 24 million panelists distributed in 59 different markets. But what is the working method of YouGov to carry out the surveys, and on which sectors can you perform your activities? YouGov is a research institute founded in the UK that has

We have reached the sixth edition of the Social Football Summit, you have been with us since year zero, so since 2018, you can take stock of these years of an event in which many things have really changed in the Football Industry. “First of all, I wanted to take this opportunity to applaud Gianfilippo Valentini, Massimo Tucci, and the entire Social Football Summit and Social Media Soccer team for having given life to an event that today is considered a

Lega B dedicates its participation in the VI edition of the Social Football Summit, which will be held on 21 and 22 November at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, to training for its associated clubs. In fact, through the B Future project, a series of specific events will be promoted aimed at marketing and communication employees of the BKT Series companies, offering the opportunity to discuss their respective fields with the top experts at a national level. The panel organized by

This is the first time for you as presenter of the Social Football Summit. What do you expect from an event that is unique in Italy? 'I want to learn from this experience, I think it will be super formative bringing together so many realities and voices in a 2-day full immersion. I am very curious and also very full of expectations'. In your job you deal with so many teams, which ones have impressed you the most in recent years,